

  • 职称 :副教授
  • 邮箱 :hhzhu@hfut.edu.cn
  • 职务 :大学数学教学部副主任
  • 所属系 :大学数学教学部
  • 主讲课程 :交换代数、高等数学、概率论与数理统计
  • 研究领域 :环论、环上的广义逆理论
  • 2014-2016 葡萄牙米尼奥大学 联合培养博士, 导师:Pedro Patricio 教授2012-2017 东南大学 博士, 导师: 陈建龙 教授2008-2011 安徽大学 硕士, 导师: 杜先能 教授
  • 2017/03—至今 合肥工业大学 亚盈官网(中国)集团有限公司, 副研究员
  • [9]中国博士后基金,2020M671068,环上多种广义逆的关系与交换性的研究,2020/07-2021/06,8万元,在研,主持[8]合肥市留学回国人员择优资助创计划,环上元素的几类广义逆及其正则性、clean 性(需与国家自然科学基金同题申报),2019/07-2020/06,20 万元,结题,主持[7] 国家自然科学基金,11801124,环上元素的几类广义逆及其正则性、clean 性,2019/01-2021/12,25 万元,在研,主持[6] 合肥工业大学学术新人提升 B 计划,JZ2018HGTB0233, 环上元素的广义逆理论及应用,2018/05-2019/12,20万元,结题,主持[5] 安徽省自然科学基金,1808085QA16, 环上元素的广义逆与 clean 性,2018/07-2020/06,10万元,在研,主持[4] 合肥工业大学科研启动基金,合肥工业大学条件建设经费,2017/03-2022/02, 10万元,在研,主持[3] 东南大学优博培育对象基金, YBPY1502, 环上元素的 Moore-Penrose 逆及 Drazin 逆, 2015/03-2016/10, (资助5000元/月)已结题, 主持[2] 国家自然科学基金, 11371089, 正则性与广义逆理论, 2014/01-2017/12, 62万元, 已结题, 参与[1] 江苏省高校研究生创新计划, CXLX13-072, 环上(广义/伪) Drazin 逆的研究, 2013/05-2014/05, 3万元, 已结题, 主持
  • [24] H.H. Zhu, L.Y. Wu, F. Peng, P. Patricio, Characterizations and representations of left and right hybrid (b, c)-inverses in rings, RACSAM, 2021, 22:1-12 (SCI )[23] F. Peng, H.H. Zhu, On a question of Drazin, Comm. Algebra, 2021,49:1180-1185[22] H.H. Zhu, F. Peng, Projections generalized by Moore-Penrose inverses and core inverses, J. Algebra Appl. 2021, 20:2150027 (SCI )[21] H.H. Zhu, Q.W. Wang, Weighted pseudo core inverses in rings, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 2020, 68: 2434-2447 (SCI )[20] Y.Y. Song, H.H. Zhu, Idempotents generated by weighted generalized inverses in rings with involution, 2020,34: 2901-2914, Filomat (SCI )[19] H.H. Zhu, H.L. Zou, P. Patricio, Generalized inverses and their relations with clean decompositions, J. Algebra Appl. 2019,18:1950133 (SCI )[18] H.H. Zhu, P. Patricio, A note on clean elements and inverses along an element, Filomat 2018,32:4285-4290,Filomat (SCI )[17] H.H. Zhu, On DMP inverses and m-EP elements in rings, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 2019,67: 756-766. (SCI )[16] H.H. Zhu, Characterizations for pseudo core inverses in a ring with involution, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 2019,67: 1109-1120. (SCI )[15] H.H. Zhu, Further results on several types of generalized inverses, Comm. Algebra, 2018,46: 3388-3396. (SCI )[14] H.H. Zhu, Several characterizations for generalized inverses in a ring, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 2018,66: 1351-1361. (SCI )[13] H.H. Zhu, Several characterizations for generalized inverses in a ring, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 2018,66: 1351-1361 (SCI )[12] H.H. Zhu, J.L. Chen, P. Patricio, X. Mary, Centralizer’s applications to the inverse along an element, Appl. Math. Comput. 2017, 315: 27-33. (SCI )[11] H.H. Zhu, J.L. Chen, Additive and product properties of Drazin inverses of elements in a ring, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. 2017, 40: 259-278. (SCI )[10] H.H. Zhu, J.L. Chen, P. Patricio, Reverse order law for the inverse along an element, Linear Multilinear Algebra 2017, 65: 166-177. (SCI )[9] J.L. Chen, H.H. Zhu, P. Patricio, Y.L. Zhang, Characterizations and representations of core and dual core inverses, Canad. Math. Bull., 2017, 60: 269-282. (SCI )[8] H.H. Zhu, J.L. Chen, P. Patricio, Further results on the inverse along an element in semigroups and rings, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 2016, 64: 393-403. (SCI, ESI 高被引论文)[7] H.H. Zhu, P. Patricio, J.L. Chen, Y.L. Zhang, The inverse along a product and its applications, Linear Multilinear Algebra, 2016, 64: 834-841. (SCI )[6] H.H. Zhu, J.L. Chen, P. Patricio, The Moore-Penrose inverse of differences and products of projectors in a ring with involution, Turk. J. Math. 2016,40: 1316-1324. (SCI )[5] H.H. Zhu, X.X. Zhang, J.L. Chen, Generalized inverses of a factorization in a ring with involution, Linear Algebra Appl. 2015, 472: 142-150. (SCI )[4] H.H. Zhu, J.L. Chen, P. Patricio, Representations for the pseudo Drazin inverse of elements in a Banach algebra, Taiwanese J. Math. 2015, 19: 349-362. (SCI )[3] H.H. Zhu, X.X. Zhang, J.L. Chen, Centralizers and their applications to generalized inverses, Linear Algebra Appl. 2014, 458: 291-300. (SCI )[2] J.L. Chen, H.H. Zhu, Drazin invertibility of product and difference of idempotents in a ring, Filomat, 2014,28: 1133-1137. (SCI )[1] H.H. Zhu, J.L. Chen, Additive property of pseudo Drazin inverse of elements in Banach algebras, Filomat, 2014,28: 1773-1781. (SCI )



2018年,博士学位论文 《环上元素的Moore-Penrose 逆及Drazin 逆》获得江苏省优秀博士学位论文(江苏省百篇优博)

2018年,博士学位论文《环上元素的Moore-Penrose 逆及Drazin 逆》获得东南大学优秀博士学位论文


