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学术报告二十八:Pietro Landi—Adaptive Dynamics and Evolutionary Branching: Theory and Applications

时间:2018-11-08 作者: 点击数:

报告时间:2018年11月12日(星期一) 17:00


报告人:Pietro Landi (Postdoctoral Fellow)

工作单位:Stellenbosch University



Pietro Landi,南非斯坦陵布什大学数学系博士后研究员,合作导师惠苍教授。研究方向数学生态学,研究兴趣主要集中在适应性动态和进化分支理论,并在此做出了优秀的工作,多篇论文发在Journal of Ecology, Evolution, Journal of the Royal Society: Interface等高水平期刊,撰写著作《Ecological and Evolutionary Modelling》以及《Systems Analysis Approach for Complex Global Challenges》部分章节。


Adaptive Dynamics is a mathematical framework for the study of phenotypic evolution driven by selection in the ecological context. Its main innovative feature is the formalization of evolutionary branching. Subsequent evolutionary branching events are thus responsible for the increase of polymorphism in the community and, possibly, sympatric speciation. The mathematical conditions for evolutionary branching were introduced in the late Nineties, but the formalization of critical branching events has only recently been developed. Moreover, such critical condition triggering evolutionary branching has been systematically used to study the evolution of polymorphism in prey-predator communities. Current work is addressing the emergence of sympatric diversity in life-history strategies and its role in the emergence of intransitive competitive interactions, as well as the concurrent evolution of dispersal and self-fertilization in plant communities.

上一篇:学术报告二十七:Ben Ashby—Understanding the role of ecology in host-parasite coevolution

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